I wanted to have a globe with those latitudes & longitudes on it.I was doing it manually earlier by duplicating and resizing, but there's the clone tool to do that easily. Here is a tutorial on how to do a simple globe with latitude/longitude. I have a very bad color sense so you can surely do a better job with colors. :)
Here is what we can have
1) draw a perfect circle (holding ctrl key) with no fill and black stroke.2) Now we need to do some cloning.
Select the circle and go to edit-->clone-->create tiled clones.
Select 'simple translation' for symmetry and following settings for shift and scale.

Now select them all and go to edit-->clone-->unlink clone (or shift+alt+D)

4) Now draw a straight line from top center to bottom center to get the equator / meridian.

We have the latitude & longitudes. Now select these and go to path-->combine.

And place the latitude/longitude globe over it. ( Use align and distribute tool to center the circles)

Further you can do things like giving the text or the globe a shadow effect etc like the one by heathenx here.

[ Edit: Stumbled upon this youtube video. Its really cool how you can build up on the globe layout... though its pretty tough to draw ]
The whole how-to in PNG format is available at deviantArt here. Happy Inkscaping.
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Meridians are expressed in degrees of longitude, or how far a place is away from the prime meridian. The prime meridian runs through Greenwich, England.
Imaginary lines that run east and west on a map. Parallels represent degrees of latitude, or how far a place is away from the equator. The equator's latitude is 0° and the poles are 90° south and north. One degree of latitude equals about 69 miles.
Longitude together with latitude forms a grid on which it is possible to locate almost any place on the earth.
Parallels work different from meridians; They never cross each other, they are parallel to each other.
(Inkscape v.0.48.1)
Indeed there are more options available, and I encountered the difference in the "Create Tiled Clones" dialog. To achieve the wanted result, I used the following settings:
In the "Shift" tab: all zeroes, also the checkboxes are unchecked.
In the "Scale" tab: all checkboxes unchecked, and all the number boxes zero again, except for the two Exponents which are 1, and the "Scale X -> Per Column" on -10.
The other things were just as explained/showed in the tutorial.
(Shift tab)
(Scale tab)
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